Disrupting Narratives & Creating Communities In Style

54 Kingdoms: Identity Through Fashion

Whene Nana Poku took his love for African culture and combined it with Kwaku A. Awuah’s fashion business savvy they created the clothing line 54 Kingdoms.  The two of them wanted to push forward into the fashion industry so they brought on Brey Golding, American designer who had many successful years in the industry.  54 Kingdoms has used fashion to address the problems of cultural disassociation and tried to bring African culture and fashion to the attention of those in the fashion world.  The motto of the company has been “identity through fashion” since their aim is to reconnect those of African heritage who have left their home country back to their roots.  54 Kingdoms has worked with the Community Outreach Initiative which works with a number of non-profits to serve the people of the African Diaspora in need.  They have also worked with Addicted to African and the Caribbean Magazine to launch the Built for Haiti Campaign which worked to rebuild the Joyous Heart School in Port Au Prince, Haiti.  On top of all that, every time you buy any 54 Kingdoms products, a portion of the money goes to giving back to the community.  With all these charitable initiatives under their belts, 54 Kingdoms was recently nominated for Philanthropic Small Business of the Year in the 3rd Annual Classy Awards.  We love to see Africans bringing people closer to their culture, but when they do it and manage to give back at the same time that is just the greatest gift.  Click here to help 54 Kingdoms win the award for Philanthropic Small Business of the Year.