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Honoring Adiat Disu Our CEO & Director of Africa Fashion Weeks| Global Connections for Women foundation (GC4W) Celebrate with Forbes Most Powerful Women


The Honorable Chair of Global Connections for Women Foundation, Chief Temitope Ajayi (Mama Diaspora), and the GC4W Founder/CEO, Ambassador Lilian O. Ajayi  will award several prominent and distinguished international women leaders for their commitment to women empowerment and leadership in advancing gender equality in their community.

By recognizing these distinguished women leaders on such a momentous occasion as International Women’s Day, GC4W foundation hopes to not only bring attention to the key contributions these women are making to communities around the world – but also unearth that there exists ample opportunity for better advancements and equality for women.










 The GC4W Foundation “Global Women Champion” honorees include prominent global women leaders, Nobel Peace Laureate, Ambassadors, CEOs, NGO leaders, Government officials, Magazine Editors, GC4W Champions, and several others. The purpose of this award is to recognize, celebrate and encourage the noble work of these exemplary women leaders – who are committed to the global advancement of women and continue to make a significant impact in the lives of others.


The exuberant list of honorees scheduled to attend include the following:


About GC4W foundation: Established in 2012, the Global Connections for Women Foundation was created in direct response to the United Nations’ Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and established to support women and youth in underserved communities across the globe. Their goal is to enrich and empower the lives of 100 thousand Women and Youth by end of 2015.

For tickets to the event: http://www.eventbrite.com/o/global-connections-for-women-foundation-gc4w-5904618011

To learn more about the momentous event, please visit:  www.internationalwomensday.com/gc4w

Facebook: www.facebook.com/gc4women.org

Twitter: @GC4Women / hashtag: #GC4WIWD14